General guidelines: To re-educate chronically tight muscles it is imperative that while stretching there is adequate blood flow going to the deep part of the muscle which is generally where the worst part of the strain is. Ideally, THE STRETCH SHOULD BE DONE WITHIN 5 MINUTES AFTER EXERCISE OR ACTIVITY. Even 5-10 minutes of steady activity around the house or office will help warm up the muscle so that you can get the maximum benefit of the stretch to the deep part of the muscle before it has a chance to cool down. This will insure that as the muscle cools down it doesn’t keep returning to the same set point over and over. It is ok to stretch before getting out of bed in the morning. This is a great way to loosen up and get the day started but it is not as effective for re-educating muscles as doing it after activity.


It’s important to get your body used to the feeling of the stretches and to get into the habit of doing it daily. As you get more comfortable with it, I would encourage you to stretch it longer (up to 30 seconds) if you have the time and/or it feels helpful. Most people won’t stretch indefinitely twice daily so after two weeks going to once daily is common.

It’s important to get your body used to the feeling of the stretches and to get into the habit of doing it daily. As you get more comfortable with it, I would encourage you to stretch it longer (up to 30 seconds) if you have the time and/or it feels helpful. Most people won’t stretch indefinitely twice daily so after two weeks going to once daily is common.

DIRECTIONS: GENTLY pull the knee towards the opposite shoulder until you FIRST start feeling the stretch in the butt muscles. The first few days of starting this stretch DON’T PULL PAST THE POINT OF PAIN or you may over stretch it and aggravate it. The goal is to be able to stretch it slightly closer to the opposite shoulder over the course of 1-2 weeks which implies the muscles are getting re-educated to a looser set point. As the hips get used to this stretch you will be able to use more force to get to the deeper fibers.


Try to lean your shoulders and trunk towards the thigh/knee that you are pulling towards you.

If you are getting pinching in the front of the hip during any one of the stretches try re-adjusting the angle of the knee, or you can pull more gently and still get something out of the stretch as long as it doesn’t make the front of the hip worse.

If the stretch seems to be aggravating the bony outer part of the hip where the bursa and tendons are it means you are either stretching too hard or your bursitis/tendinitis is too sensitive to do the stretch and foam rolling or massage work into the muscles would be more effective.



Example shown: a modified pigeon pose from yoga that people who are more flexible could try 4 a deeper scratch in the hip muscles.

Hip stretch 1
Hip stretch 2